- The development and testing of innovative education programs for adults with focus on virtual learning in the area of general academic continuing education.
- The association promotes regional, cross-regional, national and international networking of initiatives and projects of virtual and face-to-face learning in the area of adult education.
- It supports transfer and establishment of innovative education projects from the areas of: dialogue between science and citizens, generational and intergenerational dialogue concerning key social issues and social participation, self-directed learning with the support of the new information and communication technologies for particular target groups.
- It provides services in the area of project consultancy and coordination of projects in the above mentioned areas and can carry out own model projects.
- It supports the qualification and consulting of adults in all life phases concerning new tasks and fields of activity in society, economy and science and offers related continuing education and training.
- It offers further services in the area of virtual and face-to-face learning.
- The association cooperates in its work closely with Ulm University, especially with the Centre of General Scientific Continuing Education (ZAWiW) of Ulm University.